58% of our incoming workforce says most days their stress is completely overwhelming.
This episode today is about resolving some of that stress by walking through a simple 4 part framework to help you double your sales while cutting your stress in half.
I’ve brought in Craig Ingram, a superstar sales executive from our Ultimate Sales Machine Dojo to share some war stories.
Here’s what you’ll uncover:
-A comprehensive four-part framework for crafting a successful go-to-market strategy
-Case study: How Craig assisted a struggling company from a mere $100k in revenue to $2 million in just over a year
-Lessons learned from a venture into telemedicine that didn’t pan out as expected
-Proven strategies for leveraging social media, particularly LinkedIn, to generate potential business leads
Craig not only shares the common pitfalls companies encounter but also equips you with the knowledge to navigate these challenges successfully.
Ready to unlock the blueprint to your business’ success? Tune in now to our latest episode.
P.S. Want to replicate Craig’s remarkable success? Book a schedule at HowToDoubleSales.com and get personalized guidance for doubling your sales.
Continued Learning: How We Increased Sales by 63.5% in 2023
- Want to know what’s keeping you from doubling your sales in the next 12 months? Take our quick QUIZ to get answers: Howtodoublesales.com
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So the stadium pitch really is 70 percent of company leaders, both executive and mid level are anxious, frustrated, and tired, but there’s ways to reduce that. And the way to reduce it. is learning the top five reasons that commercialization strategies fail and how to combat them. Here is your daily dose of the ultimate sales machine coming to you from the new edition.
Visit ultimate sales machine. com to get your copy or multiple copies. I am your host, Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chat Homes International. What you’re about to learn has assisted a quarter of a million businesses to generate billions of dollars working faster, better, smarter. Welcome everybody. Amanda Holmes here, CEO of Chet Holmes International, and you are on the CEO mastery show this week.
I have with me, Craig Ingram, who is a 26 year old veteran in the med tech and health tech industries. He’s brought products. To patient care facilities across the United States and hospitals. We’re going to talk about some of the case studies of some of the companies. He’s been a part of the successes, the failures.
He’s been voted the salesman of the year or multiple years. He’s been rehired by CEOs over and over again, because he is just that living, breathing superstar. And he has shown. Ultimate Sales Machine Dojo. I said, Craig, will you just come on to our podcast? I’d love to have you. So I’m so glad to have you on today, Craig.
I’m super excited because podcasts are fun, but I’m a huge fan of Chet Holmes International, both you and your dad. And honestly, even an old dog like me, who’s been in my industry for 26 years at 49 years old, I still am learning and trying to incorporate the foundations and the fundamentals and the basics because no person can remember it all.
And I know I can’t. So that is why I think I’m part of your dojo. And that’s why I’m constantly making sure that I’m getting reinforced. What’s easy to forget. Well, and that’s also a key characteristic of superstars. They are perpetually looking to learn. It is only 10 percent of the population, whereas 90 percent are just after high school.
They never look for more education. They’re never looking at continual education. Hence, why only 0. 04 percent of colleges in the United States have sales as a major or minor. We’re just looking. We’re lacking that. I also pulled up a statistic from last week saying that 74 percent of sales reps fail.
We just don’t have enough to support sales. And right now with 84 percent of buyers pulling back on purchasing because they just don’t have the money. There’s a lot of people struggling in the marketplace right now. There’s a lot of people that are feeling overwhelmed. Burnout is at an all time high. I was actually looking at.
Suicide rates because it’s so intense and what I saw was that from 2000 to 2018 We saw an increase in suicide rates and then from 2018 to 2020 We actually got a little bit better It did dip down and then as soon as 2020 came we went up again and from 2000 to today We’re at an all time high in history for amount of suicide.
So burnout obviously, it’s just one version of it We’re also seeing an increase in chronic illnesses because of the amount of burnout that we’re experiencing. So, people are just tired. So, I thought it would be great. I’m going to just break down for everybody listening this four part framework. My father had 12 steps and I just had to Boil it down to just four.
Four simple steps that could either make or break your go to market strategy. It’s the reason why so many people are wasting money. It’s the reason why 40 percent of companies are not making money. Can you imagine that only, that 60 percent of companies either break even or make money, 40 percent actually lose money?
Did you know that? That it’s that high, Craig? You know, it’s interesting. I actually think that’s better statistic than what I had, because I remember talking with a private equity business coach that I meet with about once every six weeks or so. I’m going to, I’m going to remain nameless for his sake, because I don’t know if he wants me to say his name, but he was telling me that only 6.
6 percent of companies out of the 32. 9 million companies in the U. S. Registered meaning LLC, C corps or S corps. Yeah. Only 6. 6 of them ever reach a million in revenue in a 12 consecutive month period. Only 4. 1 percent of the 6. 6 percent that do make it to a million ever make it to 10 million and 40 percent are profitable.
So your statistics are actually better than, than the ones I taught. So I would rather have your statistics, you know what I mean? Because. 40% being profitable is obviously worse than 60% being profitable. But either way, bottom line is, even if you average it out, the cards are stacked against us to succeed in business.
Yeah. Yep. And I love what you were saying there. I would love to get that study because I’ve continually keep trying to find what percentage of companies make it to a million. Yeah. Make it to five. Make it to 10. And this one particular study that studied SaaS companies. Mm-Hmm. that opened from 2005 to 2022.
Those that got backed, venture backed. And made a 3 million in venture backed funds. Only 1% of them made it to the a hundred million dollars mark. And what the study found from analyzing the 13,000 that got venture backed and then the 238 that made it to a hundred million was that the path to growth is discontinuous.
So when you’re trying to get to a million, it’s just, do I have product market fit? Then once you get to a million majority don’t make it to three because they have to get past founder led sales. How do we actually get somebody into here that can sell besides just the CEO? Then from three million to ten million, it’s how do I get a go to market strategy that I can actually put some acceleration behind and grow?
But then the 10 to 100 million, it’s really that they don’t have a repeatable go to market strategy. So that’s what we’re going to cover today, because I know that that’s your expertise. And we have a couple of case studies on this, right? We do. We do. It’s so good. Some are failures, some are really successful.
So we get the dichotomy, right? We got to show it all. We got to show it all. So I break this down into a four part framework. So the first step of this framework is you have to know your goal. What are you trying to accomplish? 51 percent of companies do not have a clear goal. 75 percent aren’t amidst within the team don’t know what that goal is.
So the clarity of a goal throughout an entire organization is absolutely critical and majority miss this point. So step number one, because if you know your goal and especially with C suites, if you’re thinking, okay, my goal is that I want a second home and I want it in a different state. Well then who you’re reaching out to could change because maybe that person that you want to reach out to lives in that state or you’re going after more people in that particular area because that’s part of your goal, right?
So your goal depicts who you need to work with to achieve that goal. So how do we find the people that will help us achieve that goal the fastest? And for those of you that are familiar with the dream 100, right? That is a great way. Who are those? The fewer amount of people that get you the most amount of money.
And then step number three, what do you need to say to grab their attention? Because we don’t want to just me, we, we call it the me, we syndrome, right? Where we’re only talking about me, me, me, me, me, which only gets 3 percent of the marketplace. You need to Educate those ideal prospects with what’s keeping them up at night.
You need to speak to them exactly where they’re at. What is the pain problem that they’re bringing to their Monday morning meeting that everyone is discussing? You should know that type of dialogue. To speak their language, to then lead them and educate them into the buying now category and about your product or service to then number four, where do you need to say this information?
Where do you need to deploy to get them to take action and to really create a high ROI? Because so many people are wasting money and what they’re doing with their marketing and sales efforts. So what’s your goal? Who do you need to get to, to achieve that the fastest? What do you need to say to get in the most amount of doors and where do you need to say it to get the fastest, to take action and get the highest ROI?
So. With all of that said, let’s talk about the first case study that you had. And I loved this. So it was a company that you worked for the gentleman before you had 18 months to sell a hundred K. And then you came in and sold 2 million in one year. So obviously, yeah, roughly just a little hair over one year.
Yeah, basically there was a, there was a gentleman who was a national sales director before me. He was there for somewhere around 16 to 18 months. I didn’t get the full details and I should have asked more detail, but I just didn’t. And so. Around 18 months, he was there and he only sold around 100, 125, 000 in total revenue.
And they were using distributors and the CEO was looking for somebody that really knew how to build a field sales organization, but they couldn’t afford somebody in the mid two hundreds. So they’ve got somebody like me that came from a fortune 500 company, Johnson and Johnson being a startup division from J and J.
Yeah. And then I went to an actual venture capital based startup company, and then we got bought by J and J. And of course, they didn’t want us back. So, what happened was, I ended up going to this startup company because I was more affordable to them. And it was an opportunity for me to have a national Sales director, sales manager title and responsibilities to show what I could do.
Right. Right. So what I did was I literally made a clean slate. And so we ended up getting some funding and I had a hybrid sales force. So I managed distributors. Stocking distributors, and I had a handful of direct employee sales representatives to their goal was an exit strategy. Right? Successful exit.
But when you’re only selling less than 150 to 200, 000 a year, nobody’s going to want it. Right? Because the concept’s not there that people want it. Yeah. Well. After I was able to completely put a whole new sales training program together to teach the reps what to say, how to say it, what are the competitors, what’s their disadvantages, what’s their advantages.
I made them understand that knowing your competitors better than your possibly your own product will allow you to ask more effective questions that will get the potential customer to rationalize why they should use your product or service. It worked. It did really work. CEO was happy. The founder was happy.
And they ended up selling that company to Stryker Endoscopy. So basically we sold ourselves without a job because they didn’t want middle and senior management when they bought us, right? It was a really good situation. And so that CEO was happy and still one of my references. And we did it on a smaller scale.
And I look back and go, if it doesn’t work small, it won’t work large, no matter how much investment money you get. And we made it work small to go literally from around a hundred grand, 120 grand up to almost 2 million in a year and four months. And because of that, we got on the radar and they wanted our technology.
So it sounds like what I’m taking away is that it was more around the messaging. Did you have to change who you were reaching out to? Or was it the same as what the gentleman was before you? Yeah, really, really good question. It actually was the same target market. It was laparoscopic surgeons who worked at hospitals and surgery centers that were looking for a technology that gave a little bit less risk of an adverse event.
Oh, so you’re selling more like insurance, like just in case this goes bad. Yeah, there was a little bit less risk of patient injury with this product. Still had patient injury, just like the other technologies, but it was less risky because of the safety mechanisms of this laparoscopic surgical technology.
So tell me a little bit about understanding these surgeons. But you weren’t selling to the surgeon, you were selling to the hospital that was buying it. Correct. But you had to have the surgeons. request the technology because the hospitals wouldn’t see you. So we had to, so it was like, it was very weird, right?
So we would bombard these general surgeons, urology surgeons, bariatric surgeons, you know, gynecology surgeons that were doing laparoscopic abdominal surgery and saying, here’s the product, here’s a new technology. Here’s why you want to evaluate it if you would. And here’s what it brings to you compared to what you’re using now.
It’s not what you’re using. That was bad. This is just an advancement in technology. And here are the reasons why. And so because of that, they would go to the hospital and work the process in the hospital for us. Because if we went to the hospital, we would immediately be told you’re not on contract.
You’re not one of our priority vendors. We’re not interested. But when the surgeons do it. It lets the hospital personnel know that they really want to evaluate it because they’re the ones malpractice is on the line. And is that a normal process in your industry to go to the surgeon’s first to get the buy in to then go to purchasing?
100 percent yes. Fascinating. And then how did you reach out to them? Was it just cold calling? Was it showing up to the hospital? It’s a multi prong approach, right? And so I didn’t know that I was pretty decent at marketing at this time to be cruelly honest with you. Cause I never had any, I never had any formal marketing experience coming from a fortune 500 and then going directly to the antithesis of it, which is a startup venture capital based company.
You can’t get more polar North pole, South pole, polar opposite. And what I found out is that the bland marketing just blended in with everyone else. And so I went to our marketing director and said, listen, I know I’m not in marketing. I know I’m kind of encroaching on your space here, but here’s some ideas I want you to think through.
And so I gave them a bunch of uncommon actions and strategies and ideas to be the neon green fish in a silver fish lake. Right? Because we can either be in an ocean of sameness or a link at like a distinction. And so, because of that, I was like, wow. So she started making some ideas. It would come back to me and be like, what do you think about this based on your idea?
And I’d be like, yeah, let’s give it a shot. And they started working. So, then our reps then would go directly to the physician’s offices, literally show up. Yep. Ask for a meeting for the future or see if they had like four to six minutes in between patients, right? Sometimes we would get in right then and sometimes they would be like, Oh, can you come at breakfast time or can you bring us a lunch or can you do this?
Even though I’m so anti lunch and anti bringing in food you know, but it is what it is. It’s just the nature of the beast. And you sit down with them, you have a sandwich or like bagels and orange juice or something and you just start talking to them for four to six minutes because that’s all you’re going to get.
Wow. So your message has to be right on to get them. I call it, people call it hunting and fishing. I call it in a way fishing because you’re going to have a lot of fishing poles in the water and you’ve got to figure out what bait. Magnetizes them in to bite on the hook. I love that. Okay. So let’s jump to the next case study, unless you want to add anything else to this one.
No, we, we, things just really worked out. And I was like, wow, this is either really luck or maybe I’ve got some success. Like maybe I really understand this well, in all fairness, I think being part of a fortune 500 at seeing what doesn’t work there and what does work and then going to another. I’m going to a venture capital based company before this case study that we’re talking about to see what works and doesn’t work there, knowing what not to do, in my opinion, gives you more of a trampoline opportunity to know what to do.
Absolutely. So the biggest takeaway that I heard from what you said is that the messaging was off to these influencers that would then give to the person that would decide to buy. So 100 percent really have to make sure that you have that product market fit messaging, which segues to the next, a failure in telemedicine.
So please tell me, cause right. We learn a lot from our success, but we learn a whole. Well, a lot more from the failures. So what happened there? Tell me a little bit about the. Well, it’s the bumps you climb on, right? You can’t climb on smooth surfaces. So the failures are our bumps. So I recently came out of a telemedicine company that has an absolutely an amazing.
Product service that they’re selling. In fact, I really, truly believe even to this day that I’m no longer there. Every single hospital should have this service because it really does transform patient outcomes and patient healthcare. It just does without getting too far into that. The way this company over 20 some years built a 44 million business was focusing on hospitals that was around.
60 to 70 beds or smaller. So critical access hospitals are hospitals that are like 25 beds and smaller and community hospitals are pretty much anything like 26 beds to 80 beds are considered community based hospitals. And so they grew their business. over like 26, 27 years in the critical access and community hospital space.
They got bought by a private equity firm. So a bunch of money came in that they were able to use. And they said, let’s go for the medium to large market hospitals. Let’s focus on hospitals, a hundred, 200, bed hospitals. And let’s start targeting them to use our product and services because we can augment and supplement the healthcare staff.
And take some of that pressure off them makes total sense. Right? So a person got hired that just covered pharmacy. And then 2 of us got hired 1 for the East of the Mississippi 1 for the West of the Mississippi, which I covered everything West of the Mississippi. As directors of business development, and our job was to focus on critical care access.
Emergency room support support system as well as ICU and critical care. What we found, what I found after 47 meetings with approximately 41 hospitals is that they wanted to build their own telemedicine platform and service support structure themselves. Most of them were, I mean, these are large hospital systems that have multiple community hospitals that they own.
They just were not interested. In spending anywhere from 300, 000 a year to 1. 5 million a year for the services that we were trying to provide because they, even though it cost them more, they had full control of how they wanted to build. That telemedicine service platform and program. Well, you can only sell and build a company.
On what people are willing to spend money on and pull money out of their pocket flat out. They were not interested. Now, the smaller hospitals that are 25 beds to 80 beds or so they buy in this all day long because they’re like, we don’t have the support structure of a large facility over a large system to do this.
And to be quite frank, as of February 1st, 2024, this company is no longer even focusing on any hospitals above a hundred beds. I love this. This is so critical. So you’re talking about product market fit, like I mentioned at the beginning, right, that first million, you have to get product market fit. And I’m reading Noah Kagan’s million dollar weekend, where you come up with a business, a million dollar business in a weekend.
And I think that more corporations should read. Noah’s book because it’s such a fast actionable way to prove a concept and one of them is, okay, in the next 48 hours, call three people that could be your ideal prospects and sell what you want as a service and see if they’ll actually want to buy it. If they don’t, Probably not an idea, and yet corporations all day every day will hire a ton of staff, build out a whole system to sell something that they had to spend so much time in energy building, and they don’t even know if there’s demand for it in the marketplace.
So the next time you have an idea, those of you that are listening, that you want to try something new, before building it all out, ask the person that would potentially buy it if they’d be interested in it. If they don’t, don’t build it. Cause if you build it, they may not necessarily come. Yeah, right.
Market research is critical, critical. Okay. And then that takes me to the next, which is what you’re doing now, consulting now for medical tech and health tech companies. And can you define for others that are not in that, in those industries, what they are just for those that are listening, because I liked your definition of them.
Yeah. So med tech. Would be more medical devices, whether it’s surgical, diagnostic or therapeutic health tech would be more on the digital health care side, your software, your telemedicine, right? Where it’s service and software and platforms. That would be more of your health care technology. So I know that you’ve been going through the dojo and reading ultimate sales machine, and we call it a stadium pitch, but I loved what you were saying there.
Thank you Yeah. And I’ve got it right open, too. I love it. Yes. So, can you share with us what, I loved what you were saying about your education for the marketplace. Yeah, it’s interesting, right, because my stadium pitch is, and I’ve got a program going on right now on LinkedIn and my stadium pitch is, and I’m going to read it, 78 percent of company leaders, whether executive or mid level are severely full of anxiety.
They’re very frustrated, which can lead to irritability to one another in the workplace, and they’re extremely exhausted. And it is humanly impossible not to bring those feelings and repercussions of those feelings into our home. So the standing pitch really is 70 percent of company leaders, both executive and mid level are anxious, frustrated, and tired.
But there’s ways to reduce that. And the way to reduce it is learning the top five reasons that commercialization strategies fail. And how to combat them. And for those of you that aren’t familiar, commercialization is like go to market strategy, right? As you’ve done for the last 26 years, helping companies go to market.
I would love to know the five things, because I also have six things that are holding companies back from go to market strategy. So for those of you that would be interested in finding out, well, what are we missing that are critical pieces to a successful product being sold to zero to a hundred million and beyond, where would they find you to be able to go to one of your trainings?
They can get ahold of me right on LinkedIn, Craig T Ingram, or they can get on medical sales growth. com. And when it comes to knowing what the five reasons that commercialization strategies fail, most people, no matter what income level they’re at, no matter what level of business they’re at, they really don’t know what are the 10 components.
That make up commercialization. And so in order to know what not to do, you have to know what to do or vice versa. And I think it’s more vice versa. It’s not necessarily knowing what to do. It’s knowing what not to do. And you’re going to stay clear of knowing what not to do, which stacks the deck in our favor of getting to know what works and what’s effective.
I have noticed this as well when I taught the three things to double your sales in the next 12 months people like that but if I say Let me teach you the three things holding you back from doubling your sales people were more Interested to hear the things that were holding them back than the things to double So people move way quicker to avoid pain than they do moving towards pleasure.
Yeah, they do. I do I’ll be the first one to raise my hand So then I want to go to the fourth. So wait, before I get to there, actually, how do you spell your last name so people can find you on LinkedIn? So Craig T and then how do you spell Ingram? I N G R A M. Perfect. Yep. And they can just get on medical sales rep.
Or medical sales growth dot com. That’s just super simple to remember as well. Okay. Medical sales growth dot com. Okay. And then I loved your fourth story, which you had shared in the dojo, which I think we actually did also share in our dojo in one of our past recordings. But that fourth step of that four part framework is where do you need to say the information to get people to take action?
For them to actually see it. And you had a successful LinkedIn post go viral. Can you share about that? I did. I’m, I’m still kind of, this is only literally like eight days old or no now. So a week and a half ago I had a, so I was on stage. I was talking to, I was nervous as heck. I will not joke there. There were 23 people in there.
That were literal liquid net worth billionaires. I’m glad I didn’t know that till afterwards. Cause I really don’t know if I would have made it like survived on stage. I mean, they would have been like, this guy’s a clown, right? Because I’d have been so nervous, but it is intimidating speaking to people who literally can write a check for a billion dollars and it not bounce.
Like that is extremely intimidating. Right. I’ll be the first one to admit it again. I’m glad I did it. I learned about that afterwards. However, I talked about. Effective hiring and people want to know why they have trouble hiring. It’s because they use the same questions that are quite frankly, ineffective and just dumb.
It doesn’t lead to anything. So I did a speech on how to hire effectively from a sales standpoint. And I had a gentleman. Splice that video and add some emojis and things to it. I just loaded it up on LinkedIn and literally I’m going to look right now as a right now it’s 101, 624 impressions. I’ve never had that ever.
That’s been my only one. There’s been a similar one that I had 45, 000 about nine years ago, and it actually had to do with your dad’s stuff in the original ultimate sales machine. And seriously, and I got 45, 000, the rest are like 5, 000 and under, but I couldn’t believe that I had 101, 000 impressions.
That’s just. That’s just crazy. Me, like, that’s just crazy. I love that. And then I remember you saying that you commenting with each person, making sure that you’ve interacted with them. Yep. Have you actually found any potential business or leads from the people that There are people that have called me, that have got on my website, put in their info.
And like, so this past Saturday morning, I had a, a Zoom call pop up and I was like, Oh, gosh, I got a zoom call in a half an hour. I don’t even know who this person is got on. I’m like, Oh, you know, and they’re like, Oh, yes, I saw your video. And, and so I got on your website and I thought I’d talk to you. So, yeah, I mean, there’s definitely people that are reaching out.
Right. And, you know, they could pay now or pay later. And if you wait to find the gaps on how to commercialize effectively, you’re going to pay later and it’s not going to be good. Right. It’s either going to be more because you got to go back and fix stuff. I always say it’s cheaper to pay now, prevent as best as humanly possible, the hiccups and the gaps that you have to prevent those from happening.
I love it. What a great story. And as I had mentioned before, the dojo, right. Treating people that are online as if they’re in your living room, one of our coaches had said that and I’m and I, gosh, I am struggling to remember who it was, but so it wasn’t me that came up with that. But I love the analogy of thinking of somebody in your living room, if they were in your living room, how would you interact with them and really start those conversations?
See if it can lead to an appointment. So I hope you look more within those, those contacts to find reasons to get them on the phone because well, I personally interact with every single person. I do not hire out my social strategy. I do it myself. Right. And, and the reason I do it myself is number one, I can number two, I can do it still while I’m somewhat small.
Right. As, as a solopreneur, I’ve got other people that are interested in other people that I partner with around the world. One of my business partners is out of Rome and he’s done all his stuff, but he’s growing big, and so now we’re thinking about putting what he’s doing and what I’m doing all under my company, international commercialization growth partners, and doing that together and keeping the social media personal.
As long as we humanly can. Yeah, it really makes a huge difference. I know just with email alone, if you personalize your emails, your conversion rates increased by 14%, which an email could make a huge difference. I’m telling you, I got an example of that real quick. Oh, okay. So in September, 2020, I had 576 people on LinkedIn that were first line contacts.
I now have 12, 441 contacts as of right now, that was all done by me making a Two sentence message asking people to connect on LinkedIn. And now I went from 576 to over 12, 000. Wow. And since September, 2020 and this we’re in what, March of 2024. So in 20 years, yeah. And in our last few moments, I’m just curious, you’ve been a part of the dojo and as some of you know, we go through just one hour a week and we work on the ultimate sales machine, helping you craft your ultimate sales machine.
Can you give some feedback to others that maybe would think about joining the dojo? What’s been your experience? I should have done this sooner. To be quite frank with you, there’s theory and there’s reality and practicality. I do not like theory. I know we need to have it, but I even questioned, do we really need to have it?
But according to growing up in school and the way we’ve been educated, we probably do need it. But practicality is where it’s at, right? I’ve probably spent 140 ish thousand realistically in six years in business coaching. And people look at me and like, Are you kidding me? Why would you spend that much? I will never get a negative ROI.
By making myself more effective business coaching makes you more effective bar none. I should have been part of it sooner. I literally could do it three times a week for an hour and I’m not exaggerating. I would book my schedule around three hours a week on the dojo because I can never hear what I already know enough because it reinforces what I need to remember.
I just can’t remember everything. And so I’ve got to constantly remind myself What I’m doing, right? How am I doing it? Why am I doing it? What’s the tonality? Am I making sense and having other people who are more effective in certain situations and business principles than I am? I need that input. Right?
And so it’s kind of like. I love this analogy. And I just had somebody say to me, they’re going to make me a marketing piece for this. And it’s like, I’ll just use commercialization. Commercialization is one of the most critical portions of a business because without effective commercialization, all companies die, right?
Commercialization is your forest. The 10 components of commercialization are individual trees. So there’s 10 trees that make up the Every. Buddy that is in a company can only see the trees. You have to have somebody from outside to be able to look at the whole forest and to find the gaps because you can’t do it on the ground looking at the trees.
So you have to have fresh eyes, fresh perspective. The dojo is a way to get fresh perspective of people in the helicopter, looking at your whole forest. And no matter who we are, we on the ground can only see the trees that are in our forest. We don’t have the capability, no matter what level we are, CEO, all the way down to a new associate that just graduated from college.
We don’t have the ability to see the forest because we’re too in love with our product. We’re too in love with our service. We have biases. We think it needs to be done this way. We have to be coachable enough to spend a little bit of money to bring outside person in who’s demonstrated that they are obsessed.
And in my view, obsessed with commercialization. So good. I’ve been having a lot of fun. So one week I’ll do a training based around our ultimate sales machine. Next week, we’ll do more of a breakout where we break out into smaller groups and then everybody shares their specific problems that they’re facing and we mastermind them in smaller groups.
And we’re finally getting to a point where people are. Really opening up and sharing a lot more about what’s going on in their world so that they can get very actionable advice. Like for you, when you were pulling up a graphic for one of your trainings, and we just went super detailed into how to make a visual pop.
Cause I don’t have all the answers. I have to have input and you and Troy and other people, you know, Jerry, you guys can see things again. I’m in my own forest. I can’t see the whole forest, but you guys can, because you’re not in it. Right. It’s helpful. So I’m actually doing what I’m telling CEOs and C level executives of companies.
Yeah. Why they should bring me into their company. I’m actually doing what I’m telling them to do. I’m doing with you guys. I love it. So if you want to connect with Craig and his other 12, 000 followers, you can go on LinkedIn to Craig T. Ingram, I N G R A M, and go say hello. He’s a wonderful human being, always brings 150%.
I can definitely say that from watching him week after week. If nobody has anything to say, Craig always has something to say. You may not like it, but it’s usually great. It’s usually very insightful and helpful. And you know, you play full out and that’s what we need. More people that play full out, especially right now with what’s going on in the economy.
And there’s a lot of people that really burned out. So, yeah, I’ll tell you, man, I mean what I say and I say what I mean. Your program is not only worth every bit of money. This is probably going to be hard for some people to hear, but I’ll say it to myself. There’s foolishness and there’s wisdom. Wisdom is the proper use of intelligence.
Foolishness is the improper useness of intelligence. And I’ve been foolish many times. By not getting outside coaching. And finally, six years ago, I made that choice to change. And you guys have been part of this coaching existence. And I’m only where I’m at because you guys are a portion of my whole pie or you’re one of my trees in the forest that has given me the tools to be really successful in business.
But I’ve still got a long way to go. Well, I appreciate that. For those that want to sign up for the dojo. If you go to chet holmes. com, you click on that solutions bar and they’ll show up all the things, but dojo will be in there. So chet holmes. com go to the solutions page. And I’d love to see you to join the dojo along with Craig T Ingram.
Thank you for your time today. It was so much fun. Yeah, I love it. This is great. And I’m just thankful for you and Charlie and Jerry and building a real relationship. You know what I mean? Where we put all 52 cards face up and loyalty is a huge thing with me, but I think it starts with me first and that’s what I try to bring to every single person.
I appreciate that. Well, until the next episode, goodbye, everybody. Make sure to get your copy or copies at the ultimate sales machine. com. There’s a lot of special bonuses that you can’t get going to Amazon. So make sure you check it out at ultimate sales machine. com.