Having sales superstars in your business is essential for building the Ultimate Sales Machine.
Ever wonder how to handle them?
In this week’s episode, hear an oldie but goodie from Jay Abraham and Chet Holmes about how to manage a sales team.
You’ll discover the qualifying questions you need to ask when hiring the right sales superstar, plus tips on how to manage a team of top producers.
Continued Learning: Chet Holmes Sales Advice on The CEO Mastery Show
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Chet Holmes: [00:00:00] I had a client recently that wasn’t sure if the, if the top producer quote unquote was producing. And they didn’t have plans and procedures and this and that. So I said, you know, bring the pressure to bear of God on this person. And they were afraid to do that for fear they might quit.
But you see what happens with the top producer if you bring a lot of pressure to them. If they quit, guess what? They’re not a top producer. And he brought the pressure to bear on this person and this person quit. And I said, you’re better off without them.
I was thinking of it and just for future edification, go ahead and bring lots of pressure to bear on salespeople who you’re unsure about and you’ll force them to quit and you’re saving yourself six months of crap. Uh, for somebody who doesn’t really produce, go ahead and bring lots of pressure. The top producer will just rise to the occasion and a lightweight will crumble and get him out of there.
Let him go.
Amanda: Welcome to your weekly dose of the ultimate sales machine. I am your host, Amanda Holm, CEO of CHI. The [00:01:00] next few episodes are a series of real live questions from business owners and executives just like you.
You still have the opportunity to get your ticket of the ultimate sales machine boot camp. To help you redefine that stadium pitch, build out your dream 100 campaign, and set in place the momentum to be able to double your sales over the next 12 months, visit usm, like ultimate sales machine, dot chetholmes.
com forward slash bootcamp. That’s usm. chetholmes. com forward slash bootcamp. Here’s the episode.
Jay Abraham: I have a question for Chet, going on what we were talking about this morning. Um, when you have a potential superstar employee, and you said that you have them send you five questions. Bring them to the interview. That they would, you have them bring them to the interview. So you don’t read them beforehand
Chet Holmes: at all.
No, I have to bring them to the interview, and then I look, [00:02:00] read them to see how good they are, and if they look interesting, I ask them, but I don’t always ask them.
Jay Abraham: What would you qualify as being a good
Chet Holmes: Quesiton Things that, um, connotate performance.
Jay Abraham: Give
Chet Holmes: an example. Like, um, if you asked me to write five questions that would show my best side, which is how you put it to the superstar, I’d say, um, Why have you been top producer every place you ever worked?
You know, questions like that that would force you to
get out of me.
Jay Abraham: What do you understand about, about the selling process that nobody else understands? Yeah, that’s a great one. How in the world, what’s, what’s the key to getting into an executive’s mind? What’s a, you know, what are the 15 overlooked factors that, that, um, that bring any Buyer to a positive decision or things like that.
Chet Holmes: Those are better questions than anybody’s ever given me. He got the job
Jay Abraham: Well, I’ll tell you what just to give you an example I taught not as disciplined as Chet, [00:03:00] but I taught my kid Brian who you met I think once yeah 34 how to do this and he’s gotten every job He’s never heard before because he asked better questions than anyone ever asked He’s just any interviews the heck out.
I mean he’s socratically interviews him. He’s very good. He has tons of good questions And he can answer them all Okay. This is a question, uh, it’ll be primarily Chet, but I want you to add in there. Um, we, yesterday you had that interview with, I think her name was Beverly, right, was it? Now she, obviously, as we talked about, might be kind of a handful, you know, as far as managing.
But you also mentioned earlier today or yesterday that when you have a superstar, you want to push as much to them if they’re producing, and make it happen, and try to, you know, leverage things towards them. Okay. To what point do you draw the line at trying to work with, as long as, let’s say they’re just a super producer, but they’re kind of a handful.
To what point do you give a little
Chet Holmes: extra, you know… I put up with amazing stuff for top producers, I’ll tell you. I put up with almost anything for somebody who can sell and close. [00:04:00] I’ll tell you
Jay Abraham: right now. But you know, you gotta, you gotta,
you gotta draw the line of moral, ethical stuff. But you’re talking about grief.
You’re talking about hate. Well, let’s say it’s not moral ethical. Let’s just say it with moving, working within company policies. Let me give you, let me give you an example. Anybody who’s ever worked with me as a client knows that I’m basically like a mad scientist. I don’t want to work when they want to work.
I don’t want to do what they want to do. And people put up with me. I was talking to Drew Kaplan about it because they know the outcome
. Not the process, but the outcome.
So I mean, sometimes, it depends if you’re willing to…
Chet Holmes: Terry, I mean, if I was going out and closing 15 doctors a week and getting them as high producers for you and I was like a management nightmare And as long as I was ethical, you know, you’re going
Jay Abraham: to put up with just my paperwork.
You could hire someone to do my paperwork. If I didn’t do my, um, my, my, it wasn’t all the sales
Chet Holmes: call reports or, you know, you won’t give a flying flute, [00:05:00]
Jay Abraham: but that does check that you gotta, you gotta, you gotta show the relevancy cause that falls, uh, askance from the concept of systems, disciplined, et cetera.
So how do you reconcile the two? And let me just throw in something. Now you’ve got other people in the company that are seeing, Oh, aren’t you bending a little bit here too
Chet Holmes: much? And so, and here’s what you say. You say, you know what? You’re bringing me 15 deals a week. I’ll bend with you too. Okay. How about
Jay Abraham: if it’s other is administrative accounting person, different, not other salespeople, but the other parts of the company that aren’t, don’t see things that way necessarily.
I mean, they, they don’t, I’ll give you an answer. Is the person a really high producer?
Chet Holmes: Are you referring to someone specifically? If you had
Jay Abraham: a person who was a really high producer, you could probably stop.
I’m not saying I’m not in agreement, I’m just saying the boundaries because… Is it Terry? Huh? What’s the person’s name?
Him? Yeah. Terry, yeah. That’s what I thought. No, I just couldn’t remember. Terry, what you could do is, if the person’s that high a producer, hire a part time PA for them. [00:06:00] And have them do all the stuff for them so they are in compliance.
Chet Holmes: No, then you would really piss off everybody else. Well, you know,
Jay Abraham: you know the situation.
So, but anyway, I just wanted to see kind
Chet Holmes: of the parameters. Yeah, I put up with a lot of crap for a top producer.
Jay Abraham: Really? I’ll tell you what, in the real estate business, the high producers have ended up hiring all kinds of support people to take and leave them involved in things
Chet Holmes: that didn’t do well.
The situation they’re talking about, they’re not at that level yet, but they probably will be.
I’ll tell you. Okay. Uh, but I want to say another thing too.
I had a client recently that wasn’t sure if the, if the top producer quote unquote was producing. And they didn’t have plans and procedures and this and that. So I said, you know, bring the pressure to bear of God on this person. And they were afraid to do that for fear they might quit.
But you see what happens with the top producer if you bring a lot of pressure to them. If they quit, guess what? They’re not a top producer. And he brought the pressure to bear on this person and this person quit. And I said, you’re better off without them. I know, it’s completely apples and oranges. [00:07:00] I know, it is.
I was thinking of it and just for future edification, go ahead and bring lots of pressure to bear on salespeople who you’re unsure about and you’ll force them to quit and you’re saving yourself six months of crap. Uh, for somebody who doesn’t really produce, go ahead and bring lots of pressure. The top producer will just rise to the occasion and a lightweight will crumble and get him out of there.
Let him go. Darren? If all of our, uh, marketing is, is focused at, uh, the client, at you, all this, how do we make sure that we’re still working on brand awareness without just being a
logo and just the name on all the ads?
Jay Abraham: Um, well, all, uh, Oh, well.
Chet Holmes: All work adds to brand awareness,
Jay Abraham: you know, is if you realize that the more distinctive the company is in their mind and heart, the
Chet Holmes: more awareness, baby.
Yeah, that’s brand
Jay Abraham: loyalty. It’s part of an extension of the whole of the whole [00:08:00] as a parent. You want to be seen in a distinctive role, don’t you? It’s it’s I don’t
think it’s any different.
That’s funny.
Chet Holmes: Back to your question, Terry, as you ask that question.
My brain’s just flying through all the top producers I put up with and all the crap I put up with them.
And I said to David the other day, you know, you should have this problem of a, you know, someone who closes ten deals a week.
And so the idea is to basically try to stay as close to being on topic as possible.
We post to approximately 100, 000 to 500, 000 different visitors, or potential visitors, every day.
And we rarely get a complaint. Rarely. Are you posting as, uh, a representative from your company or are you pretending you’re a user out there that’s just kind of casually interested in your product, uh, kind of under… We don’t pretend that we’re, we don’t… You don’t pretend anything. We don’t pretend anything.
Honestly, no. I mean, it’s just a matter of exposing our URL, telling them exactly what they can get there. We don’t say that this is a, that we are a user [00:09:00] or… A member or anything else. Nope. We just post as we just post. It’s
Jay Abraham: a service if they want to, if they want to avail themselves
Chet Holmes: of it. Exactly. It’s not covert whatsoever.
I mean, that’s actually so applicable to you, Jeffrey.
We even talked about that. You could have, wherever you sign up a new doctor, you could go into clubs in that community and post like crazy about the food allergy testing and drive leads to that doctor. I mean, that would be like another service David Dean could offer.
You want to ask some questions to qualify before you start? You want to ask questions? That, you know, so you discover everything you need to know before you open your mouth to talk about what it is that you’re going to sell. And you should have those questions really, you know, very well laid out. Um, and that is in the first PEQ really well.
So maybe you can quickly go grab 7 Steps to Every Sale and read that. Because it says there should be, you know, six to 10 [00:10:00] questions you ask in every single situation before you open your mouth to sell. And those questions are, you know, very specific to finding out the weaknesses they have that you’re going to be able to fulfill when you open your mouth.
So you’d say, well, what are you finding are the, you know, just a general consensus, gentlemen, before we begin. What would you say are the challenges that you have in the area that you do? But that’s a great question. I always want to ask them what their challenges are. Cause then they’re going to say, and you don’t right then and there jump on those answers.
That’s a big mistake people make who have not the seasoned thing of this sales thing is someone will say, well, my biggest challenge is that, you know, sometimes these meetings can meander. And the minute you hear that, you know what the answer is. And you go, yeah, well, we can really help that. Yeah. Well, meandering, we can really help and don’t say a word, just write down all their things.
And then when you go in through your core story, which you already have somewhat developed, And you just keep asking questions and gathering and gathering and gathering. And then, when you go through your [00:11:00] course story, you bring them up. And you say, who said that? Because you’re doing this by phone. You want to get their names.
Who said that? That was Bill, and you write Bill’s name next to it. So you say, as Bill was saying before, that is a challenge. Uh, when we get around to this, you’ll see how that can be easily solved, etc.,
Jay Abraham: etc. That’s, that’s great. And, and, and it shows that you heard them. But you can also ask, you know, ask, you know, You can ask questions.
Who? Who’s gonna ultimately have to make the decision? You can ask that question. Absolutely.
Chet Holmes: What’s the decision process?
Jay Abraham: What’s the
process? What’s the criteria? You know, how long does it take? What information do you need? Exactly. Every
Chet Holmes: sales
Jay Abraham: call. What do What do you ask of other companies? What are the criteria, what are the basis you tend to be looking for right now?
You don’t have to, I mean a lot of people think it’s a blind audition. Yeah, like they can’t ask those questions. You want. That shows authority. Certainty, confidence, a far level of understanding than the competition and a leadership capacity. Don’t you think? Absolutely. Which is what they’re buying. Which is leadership.
Does that help? Good. Okay. [00:12:00] Mike.
Guest: Businesses.
Jay Abraham: What do we do with the
Chet Holmes: 80 percent or 90 percent of our salespeople who maybe are not superstar caliber? along
Jay Abraham: after they’ve seen this new core story,
Guest: or do we just start looking for superstars?
Jay Abraham: A little bit of both. A little bit of
Chet Holmes: both. Yeah, I would, um, the core story will make them better.
Jay Abraham: Right. You train and you’ve got to train them because it may be constant training will make them better. Maybe because you can’t fault them for being in the role you put them in. What you can do is, is, uh, determined. How much greater they can rise to the occasion, don’t you think? Then you
Chet Holmes: put a couple of sharks in the water and watch how those minnows speed up real fast all
Jay Abraham: of a sudden.
Okay, you’re welcome. I’m
Chet Holmes: serious,
we had a newspaper client and they had this philosophy where before they would hire anybody, like six people in the sales pool had to interview them and all six had to agree [00:13:00] on how to hire them. So you take a guy like me who come into an interview like that, and four out of six of them would find a reason why not to like me.
You know what I mean? And so they ended up hiring the most milquetoast, agreeable, uh, non threatening people you could ever imagine. And there’s, that’s that company I mentioned where the sales kept dropping by four million dollars per year. So the second thing we did after turning the attitudes around was get rid of the lightweights and bring in some heavy hitters.
You know, so when you put some guys in, same thing with Paul, he had one guy who was just a management nightmare and He had to put up with them all the time, and he put a top producer in there. Now the guy’s calming down, he’s little by little becoming more manageable. Not quite as cocky as he was, because there’s another guy in there out selling them.
True. And some of the things that we were trying to implement, this new guy just embraced them immediately. Versus the old people who’ve been there for ten years, they, you know, they’re very resistant to it. The new person, you just teach him, this is the way we do it now, and he just took off with it. So he dragged the whole, you know, high tide raises all ships.
He dragged the whole sales crew with him [00:14:00] as into the new paradigm, gold service and blah, blah, blah. One thing that
Jay Abraham: really occurred to me about doing workshops, one of the things I’ve noticed over the, over a period of time with a bunch of people on your employ, normally there gets to be personnel problems and contests between people and so on.
And I think using the workshops is going to have a real big side benefit of having people cooperate better, work together, become more empathetic with each other. Uh, points of view and, uh, perhaps you’ll end up with a lot less people problems.
Chet Holmes: Uh, would you, would you agree with that? You guys have been doing the workshops?
It really does bring the troops together. It really does animate the team with the same spirit throughout all their rank. It really does.
So come on up. Stan, we’re gonna see some of Stan’s core story. But
Guest: what we do is when we come in to talk to somebody, we tell them that we’re not there to sell them anything.
Do we appreciate the appointment? We’ve done the qualifying questions you talked about ahead of time. Tell them that we’ll get to the answers to those questions while we’re doing the demo. Uh, if they’ll be patient with us, we think we’ll answer all their questions. Uh, and then we start the process. We also clarify the time.
That’s another problem. People try to rush you. So if your time is ten minutes, I clarify. Chet, you know, is ten minutes still okay with you? Yes, that’s fine. Okay, great. Well, we’ll get started now. Go. Alright, so let me press. Was this working?
Chet Holmes: Point it at the computer.
Guest: At the computer. There we go. Okay. So the first thing we would start off with is telling the son of Charles story.
And I’ve I’ve done this a little bit already with y’all. But it was conceived by a police officer over 40 years ago. It’s respected by police all over America today. The other day I told you all the story about how that works.
See if I The security industry is the resources of a nationwide company. But it’s tempered by local franchise ownership and control. So the guy that you’re talking to today, I’m the one that owns this one here. And so you’d be, I’d be the one you’d be dealing with. We’re also the only source for audio detection verification anywhere in the country.
I’ll tell you why that’s so important to you in just a minute. This is just a map that shows some of the Sonic trawl dealers of the nationwide. Right now we have about 182 locations with 125, 000 customers. The difference between us and others is that 87 percent of our business is commercial. If you go to something like an ADT or a mountain alarm or someone like that, 87 percent of their business is residential, and that’s a big, big difference.
And I’ll tell you why that’s important to you in a few minutes. When we get through talking, we’ve been in business in the United States since 1959. Then we have we would normally have some other slides in here, but we get right to the point tonight. This is this is some of our proof source on about burglars and what they do.
This tells you how they get in one out of 44 centuries or through unconventional entry points. They come in through skylights. They’ll come in. Actually, there are fireplaces that are big enough, there are doors that are left open, there are walls that people come through. All kinds of ways that they can get into your end, uh, your building.
Sonotrol is the only effective means of detecting an unconventional entry point. About half of break ins are not, you know, or only about half of break ins are through doors and windows.
This is what a conventional system is. And when I use the word conventional system, I’m talking about any system except Sonotrol. I don’t care who sells it, where you buy it, if it’s at Radio Shack, if it’s ADT or anything. You’ll notice this is a typical warehouse and what they do is they contact the windows and the doors.
See I’m pointing, I’m not supposed to do that. Voila. They contact the windows and the doors and they put motion detectors throughout the facility. The problem with this system, as you can see, is there’s a lot of space in there that a criminal can kind of walk around and do whatever he wants to, especially if they’re a professional.
Now we have to admit, 90 percent of criminals that break into your place are not professionals, they’re bumbling idiots and eventually they will walk into one of those motion detectors. But a professional can get in and do a good job. Also, it can’t detect an unconventional entry. If someone drops in through a skylight, you’ve got a problem.
There was a robber not too long ago at McDonald’s. This was last year. He had every, I think it was 177 McDonald’s across the country. And what he would do, they’re all built the same. So he’d go in the top, drill a hole in the roof, drop down to the safe area, get the money, climb back out, and he was gone.
177 before the police finally caught. That’s a great story. Yeah, and that’s that’s the we would have been able to catch that person because we can hear him before that starts. The other thing that’s a problem with conventional alarms is it’s a 98 percent false alarm rate. So imagine if you’re a police officer and you get another alarm call.
Oh, great. I’m ready to go to that. I’ve seen interviews on 2020 and other shows where guys talk about being a police officer of 13 years and never catching anybody on an alarm. So the problems with this, you can’t detect an unconventional injury. The burglar is already inside at activation. If you’re gonna bust a door down, it doesn’t, the door contact doesn’t even set the alarm off until that burglar actually breaks that door.
So they can be beaten on it for five minutes before anything ever happens. So that’s what the problem is. Also, if you’re the operator that gets this alarm, say at ADT in Florida, you’re sitting in a panel and all that comes up is an alarm at such and such an address. You don’t know what’s going on, you have no idea.
You look on your screen, you know you’ve had a lot of false alarm charges for that customer, so you don’t want to call the police. So you call the customer and you say to them, Would you like to go down and check out your place? It’s 2 o’clock in the morning, I’ve got an alarm. Now if you’re a normal owner, you go, I’ve been through this a hundred times before, just leave me alone.
Do you want me to call the police? No. I’ve already got 500 worth of false alarm charges this year, just leave them alone. Well, you know, Mr. Johnson, I can’t reset your alarm unless you go down to your place. That’s fine, I’ll look in the morning. So you as a homeowner are left, I mean, or a commercial owner are left with, you either go down there, and if it’s a real robber, they’ll probably shoot you.
You know, if you get down there in time. If it’s not, you gotta go down there and reset the alarm. You know, which really makes you a happy guy. 20 minutes. Yeah, they do shut off after a certain time, but it’s not verifiable. It’s a blind dispatch. The police hate him in five geographic regions in the country.
They won’t even respond to him, which Salt Lake is one, by the way, in Las Vegas and North Las Vegas. They have an ordinance that you can’t. They won’t respond to an alarm. But Sonitrol is the only company that is exempt from that ordinance that they think this is what Sonitrol does for you. 100 percent protection floor to ceiling wall to wall.
15 percent of the people we catch are caught before they ever gain entry. They’re a kid on top of a school building trying to tear into the classroom or drill a hole. We get them while they’re still up there. It’s a great system. We put tiny microphones throughout the building. They’re more powerful than a stethoscope and we can literally hear anything.
They’re impact activated audio. And the way it works is it goes to, if someone was breaking in a door, say over here on that wall, the minute we start hearing a noise, that microphone comes on and we can hear it. And the operator knows what’s going on. And so they call the police and the police arrive a lot.
As I said, 15 percent of the time catch them before they gain entry. I would normally say a little more, but I’m gonna go quick so I don’t bore y’all with that. Alright. So, how do we do it? Our operators actually listen to live audio from your facility. Threatening sounds are detected immediately upon impact.
And what’s great about it, if it’s a false alarm and we know it, all we do is reset the system. We don’t have to call you, we don’t have to say anything to you. A normal account activates about three times a night. And most of the time, our customers never even know it. It’ll be a train going by, a dog barking, a piece of equipment coming on that’s meaningless, like an air compressor, that kind of stuff.
Concept is kind of hard to understand, though. Have you ever heard of break in burglary in progress? We already gave this one away, but I’ll give it to you. Neither has our competition. What I’ve got here, and I’m not gonna play but two of them for you, I’ve got examples of actual audio tapes. where burglaries occurred.
This will really let you understand this concept of Sonitrol. I can talk about it, but unless you hear it, you don’t know. The first one is a Sears building. It’s called a smash and grab in San Francisco, California. Smash and grab is the worst thing for any alarm company to deal with, because the criminal basically busts the retail stores window, reaches in, grabs something, boom, they’re gone.
I mean, we can’t even get the police there that quick. We did, however, catch these criminals. It’s a great tape because you’ll hear them. They drive their van into the window, bust and shatter it completely. You’ll hear one of them get out and say, Come on, Bubba! So they’re telling us their names, which is great.
We love that for the police. Come on, hurry up! Let’s go, man! So they get the TVs and the computers. They get back in the van. You’ll hear their car start up and drive away. What’s remarkable about that is our operator has dispatched the police from the second she hears the glass breaking. As the, uh, police are on their way, she goes, Wait a minute, wait a minute.
They’re, they’re getting away. Okay? So they set up a perimeter and they caught them. The whole thing only lasts 43 seconds, but you’ll get some idea as to what I’m talking about. So Tom, you want to help me with it?
Chet Holmes: Did you put this together? Yeah.
Jay Abraham: Yeah.
You’re an
Guest: operator. You know, we got a problem. There’s something going on in that building.
Jay Abraham: Uh
Guest: huh. Remember, the police have already been dispatched you one more. You’ll get a kick out of this. It’s the end of the four minute tape with them. Don’t make it. Don’t make it. Don’t like
Jay Abraham: it.
It’s the
Guest: police officer making the arrest.
Jay Abraham: Alright.
Guest: I used to have to send Fresno PD, uh, stuff all the time because they would, the police officers get a little animated in their language, and the DA always comes and gets the tapes, so we always have to tell them, watch what you’re saying to these criminals. But anyway, it’s a verified audio detection.
Number two and number three, verified robbery in progress, verified burglary in progress. We’re the only ones that do that. Nobody else does that. You’ll notice an unverified burglar alarm is way down there at the bottom. In L. A., they had a gang from L. A. come up to Bakersfield and try to rob a bank that we were protecting.
Wow. And we have a unique thing at banks. We are hold up alarm. When you press the button, you can hear what’s going on. So it took the police less than a minute to get there. They shot and killed one of the gang members. Boy. And two of them, they don’t show this on the thing, but it just tells you how great Sonotro is.
I’ll show you. It’s an actual news clip.
Jay Abraham: newscast about a very daring bank robbery in southwest Bakersfield, which ended in a shootout. One reason police were able to respond
Guest: so quickly is because… Oop, I missed it. of a new breakthrough in… Thank you very much. in technology and security systems. News 17’s Maido shows us a closer look at the live audio alarm system.
Jay Abraham: Just minutes Patelco Credit Union pressed a special alarm button, police arrived on scene in time to catch two suspects. The system Patelco used was provided by Sonitrol. Immediately, once the employee at, for instance, the credit union presses their hold up button, we immediately here at Sonitrol get live audio.
The monitor kept on the phone with the police department. This way they are kept informed as to what is happening during the whole process. And as soon as what they’re going into. A monitor takes the hold up call, alerts police, and begins recording the live audio, captured by tiny microphones placed throughout the bank.
The sounds are fed through a normal phone line. We heard the violence and the fear in the customers and in the employees. Um, we heard, um, the one lady getting threatened about not opening the drawer. But this new technology doesn’t just help police get to the scene quicker, it also helps prosecutors when it’s time for trial.
Because the recordings of the crime are caught on tape.
Guest: We can talk to you a lot and promise a lot of things, but that doesn’t mean anything in nowadays world. So what we do is we have four parts to our guarantee. If you ever are broken into and something is stolen and Sonitrol fails to notify the police and get them there, we pay the first 5, 000.
No questions asked. It’s not insurance, you know, but we pay up to the first 5, 000. If you’re a school or municipality, it’s 10, 000. We also, anybody that buys our system, in the first six months, For whatever reason, I don’t care if you don’t like us, you’re, you’re moving to a new building, whatever it is, we’ll give you all of your money back, including the labor.
Every penny, I don’t care what it is, six months. And, if you live in a city where they charge false alarm ordinances, if you ever receive a false alarm, and it’s a result of a sonotrial alarm, we pay the fines. You’ll never have to pay another false alarm charge as long as you live. And also, because our stuff’s self auto diagnostic, we have a service guarantee of four hours.
That’s one of the things our customers love the most about us. Our trucks show up to fix something that they don’t even know was broke. Because we know the minute you turn on your alarm, if any of the equipment is not working. So, anyway, which one did you want to go to?
Chet Holmes: Um, the one with the pie chart.
Alright. Okay, so here’s how he can soup this up. Um, You should have some generic pain panels right in the beginning. Instead of starting off pitching himself, comes up and it says, Did you know that we lose over 48 billion dollars in, you know, Crime and people robbing things and that in the last 10 years, that’s increased by 795%.
You know, to show that’s, that’s one of those things. So this is good for you all because you’re gonna work on your core story research. You want to look at trends that have happened over a 10 year period or a 20 year period or 30, right? We found killer stuff for every one of my clients in this room where we did the research over years.
I mean, Dr. Nichols whole thing is over the years that makes it powerful. Bob’s. We found out some startling stuff when we looked at the costs and how they were escalating just in the last 10 year period. So in your case, you want to show crime. You want to show you know you want and he wanted to be wow.
Guest: You literally have all that stuff. I mean, we don’t like we know in Salt Lake in 1999, they had 10, 000 some odd alarms and only 20 of three of them were legitimate out of the holes. Yeah. Yeah.
Chet Holmes: Okay. Now, in terms of graphic graphic depiction, um, here’s the point is that there’s too much going on here. So, when you put it up, as me as your audience, I was trying to find out what I’m supposed to be looking at.
Now, probably when you present it in person, you’re pointing to
Guest: the thing. Yeah, I have a pointer and we do the whole thing. Yeah, yeah. And we go a lot slower. I mean, we’re,
Chet Holmes: you know. Yeah, I know. Okay. Alright, but just I’m saying, from a graphical standpoint, whether you want to change it or not, I’m just telling people in the audience who are about to build one and haven’t already made the significant investment they have.
you know, have it draw up as you need it. Like I was showing you how the bullets come up as you mentioned them rather than everything coming up at once. And it’s all up staging him and he’s trying to draw our attention. We’re reading on. We’re trying to figure out what he’s trying to show us here.
So for you guys who are about to build one, you know, you want to draw it up in small pieces at a time and really control the information as you put it out.
But I think he did a great job. And you can really sell. He’s great. This guy can
Jay Abraham: sell. Can I make some comments real quick? Yes, sir. I mean, I’m intrigued because you got some of the best points. At least, by the
Chet Holmes: way, the back end on this. 182, 000 clients.
Guest: 125, 000 clients.
Jay Abraham: That’s some the deal? What do they have to pay? It depends. A
Guest: normal a normal building is about five or six thousand dollars and about eighty five dollars a month. And the
Jay Abraham: repairs are included in that. Yeah, everything.
Guest: That’s it. I didn’t mention that. That’s on one of the other slides. We if you’re our customer the entire time you’re our customer, I don’t care if it’s 20 years from now, we pay for any maintenance or anything that has to be done to it.
That’s a
Jay Abraham: neat deal. Um, you got a lot of really neat stuff at the bottom, but I put put it at the top and some of these things I put the inverse of the converse of what and what the implication is that some of that if you got all these scenarios like if you ever have header on every panel, if you tell me that it’s for both External marketing and also for including in here.
If you know that it’s an event driven and you’re going to him after something’s happened, right? Yeah, right. So
Guest: we have what we call the daily dozen, which are events like someone’s building a building. They’ve had a theft, you know, but it lists all the different things
Jay Abraham: that happen. But you’ve got another thing.
I mean, you got a scenario that can broaden dramatically. If you took the scenario, you know, you know, if you do you, does your does your security system I mean, you talk about false alarms. I’m not getting the right, I’m not getting the right language coming out now. But you want to basically say, tired of, tired of having more false alarms than, than whatever’s the opposite.
Guest: That is the opening, uh, statement on our website.
Jay Abraham: you tired of false alarms? Okay, but do you use that in your direct mail? Yeah, yeah. And you do that, but, but it’s not on here. No, in the, in
Guest: we got, uh, This is a live presentation. After we got up y’all’s stuff, we got, uh, Tom put together a URL that that’s the first thing it says.
I like it, but I
Jay Abraham: have it in here too. And all the other scenarios. What are the other scenarios? That’s the first scenario. What’s the next one? Uh, well, I mean, you’re highest documented, you want to make sure the next time somebody breaks in, they get caught. Yeah, that’s right. You know, you want, I mean, it’s just a bunch of things that you want to start with, which is, it’s, it’s, it’s, um, It’s dousing the pain and the pleasure, isn’t it?
Right. It’s a combination of both.
Guest: We have all of this also on the website. You can literally go on the website and press it, and it’ll play any video you want, any audio tape, any
Jay Abraham: of this. I know you present it, but I still think that you got your headlines at the bottom, your headlines need to be at the top.
Okay. Don’t you think, Chuck?
Guest: Headlines should be at the top. Yeah, because what we’re trying to go to, obviously, there, is that 25 percent of the time, They can get in through ways that up
Jay Abraham: right now, but you make the point, but that’s so powerful that I’d have it dominate, say, you know, I’d say, um, either surprisingly or, or, um, or, you know, an interesting, overlooked or unknown fact who only about half of the, I’d make it much more blatant in the top, wouldn’t you, but you want their eyes to go to that and it’s fixated on that only half because they’re constantly looking at that as you’re talking.
The percentages are not really as relevant as the big overriding theme, isn’t it? That’s correct. And, and half is not as good as 50%. You know, basically that I, I would almost say, lemme tell you what that means. It means that of the, of the 500,000 commercial break-ins in Utah this year, 250,000 won’t come through a door.
They won’t come through. It’s a good garage. I’d restate these a bunch of ways. Yeah, wouldn’t you? It has a more powerful effect. Is it? Well, yeah. The denominator, most people assume. that the prospect can calculate and extrapolate. Your job is to give them to them and sentence it and basically say, and your statistical probability of it happening to you is one out of seven, or one out of twenty five, but that means that…
You got a 50 percent chance that that’s going to be, you know, they’re going to drill this wall or they’re going to come in from underneath. And I would actually tie that in. I would actually, I get, I’d walk and actually show them what’s your close rate, like 90 percent on this. It’s eight out of 10. Well, so you, you got a different problem.
You want to get it to be nine out of 10 or 10 but you’re going to broaden your mark a lot more. Getting more
Chet Holmes: leads. More salespeople. You
Guest: need more leads. Yeah, we need more super salesmen.
Jay Abraham: But it sounds like that. I mean, if you got eight out of 10, The most you’re gonna get it to is 10 outta 10 or nine outta 10.
But [00:15:00] that’s not the big leverage. No. We need leads is That’s correct. You need leads. That’s correct. You need leads. So one of the things I would do is, is hit on some of these other scenarios. I would say. I, I would, I would talk, I mean I would do direct mail, I would do, I would do seminars. I would get the in.
I mean, is there any insurance
Guest: advantage? Well, yeah. ’cause they get a discount on their insurance policy. I
Jay Abraham: get the insurance company to invite you guys to speak at a luncheon that you guys hosted and paid for. I mean, one of the
Guest: things I didn’t say, 40 percent of our businesses, schools to nationwide and we do 11, 000 of them nationwide.
So we we put on one of the things we’re going to do when we get back is put on a big seminar, invite every school superintendent and pay for God. It’s a whiz bank security consultant for schools in Florida.
Jay Abraham: One of the things also you can do, you realize something, you’re paying for such big residual value that you can do a lot.
You know what the drip system is. I call it the Chinese positive laundry or the Chinese positive water, water torture. You can get all take schools. Let’s say you got 5, 000 deliriously [00:16:00] satisfied schools. I go through the whole system and find the 10 or 15 that have experiential scenarios that are so powerful.
Get them to agree to sign a letter that explains it. Give you the right to drop that letter from your, um, from your office. And in day one, I get a letter from the head of the president of the unified school system in Sacramento. Day two I get a letter from the, from the security chief in the, in the, uh, in the, in the, uh, Tennessee Valley, you know, Valley school system.
And I just say, talk about, we had a break in. They caught him in three minutes. We had a break in. They caught him in this. We had the other system. It didn’t work. You already have those letters? Yeah.
Chet Holmes: We have those letters, yes. But you haven’t used them the way
Jay Abraham: Jay has. It makes sense though, doesn’t it? Okay.
Okay, but it doesn’t make sense, does it? It makes a lot of sense.
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