Live Pitch Contest Highlights from the BOB Summit

by | Oct 18, 2024 | Blog, Business Guidance

Could you hook a cold prospect and make them take action in 60 seconds or less?

If I gave you that opportunity RIGHT NOW would you be able to get a YES?

90% of companies wouldn’t because most companies focus on themselves.

My product is the best, my service is different from the rest. We’re better than the competition.

But according to the buyer’s pyramid, only 3% are in the buying now category, 7% are open to it, the remaining 90% are not thinking about you, think they’re not interested, and definitely not interested.

So while most businesses use elevator pitches, which according to the buyer’s pyramid, fail 97% of the time…

What you really need is a Stadium Pitch.

In the next few episodes, we’re taking you behind the scenes of our epic Stadium Pitch Contest at the Business of Biohacking (B.O.B.) Summit.

Over three days they learned how to craft their Stadium Pitches, they competed to make Top 10 and eventually we announced the winner.

We’re sharing with you the final four.

Tune in to hear the feedback from Dave Asprey, Joe Polish, our judges give feedback that can help you refine your Stadium Pitch.

Take a front-row seat and see what it takes to master your pitch in under a minute!

P.S. Want to have your team or community to go through this experiential learning Stadium Pitch Contest?! Head over to, I might be able to come to your annual sales event, your conference, or from the comfort of zoom. 😉


Continued Learning: $1.4M Generated From This Stadium Pitch


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*this transcript was mostly generated by AI, please excuse any mistakes smile

[00:00:00] Amanda Holmes: Welcome back to another episode of the CEO mastery show brought to you by the ultimate sales machine Now we did an event called the business of biohacking conference with Dave Asprey and We are going to over the next couple of episodes Show you a thing we called the stadium pitch Contest. Dun, da, da, dun.

Get ready because it’s going to be a ton of fun.

So what are we doing? What are we trying to accomplish here? We are trying, the goal of the stadium pitch is to get the attention of the entire buyer’s pyramid like you can see on the screen, right? The three percent, we already know. But how do we get those that aren’t thinking about you, think you’re not interested and definitely not interested?

So all of you are the ones that are going to vote for the winner. So as you’re thinking and listening to these stadium pitches, I want you to be thinking, does it have a strong hook? Has it grabbed my attention? They will also share who’s in their stadium. So, okay. Would it grab the attention of that person in the stadium?

Have they articulated the problem in a way where I really feel connected to it? Do they have a solution that is clear and concise, where I’m not questioning what this is? And then, would that person in the stadium actually want to take that action? Because, as you all remember, right, in the assessment, we wanted to know, could you take a cold prospect from nothing to, yes, I want to take action in less than 60 seconds.

This was the goal. Ah, we’re getting chairs. That’s lovely. So, uh, Troy, can you share a little bit, too, about how we decided who those top five were?

[00:01:40] Troy Aberle: Yeah. So, like you said, very, very difficult to, uh, to be able to break this down. So what we did was read Amanda and I use a Four part framework and in the way that we educate entrepreneurs on their businesses and so there’s four pieces to it So what we said is who’s in what stage of their business that’s ready to yes pitch But also to be able to take action and move forward because if someone does say yes to you a lot of times There’s people that aren’t quite there.

So the way we do that is four pieces one is do they really have clear of, of their goal. And like Amanda talked in her speech, is when you really know your goal that you’re determined to get, that’s gonna be a really big part. Like 91 percent of people don’t, like Amanda said. So then number two is, is do you actually understand your dream client?

Who exactly it is that you wanna serve? Who’s the most profitable, emotionally and financially? And number three is, of course, this is the best part, is what are you gonna say to the person to grab their attention and get an opportunity to move forward? and reset the buying criteria so that they choose you as the leading, uh, person to do that.

And then number four, where are you going to say that? How are you going to say that in the process? So the, the challenge is, is we went through that and based on what we had saw and feedback from, from all of you, we, we chunked it down to five people. So we’re going to name five people today that are going to come

[00:02:55] Amanda Holmes: up.

Who’s in your stadium?

My stadium is full of high

[00:02:58] Tracy: power entrepreneurs.

[00:03:00] Amanda Holmes: All right. Can

[00:03:01] Tracy: I hold this?

[00:03:02] Amanda Holmes: Uh, whatever you want. Perfect.

[00:03:05] Tracy: Studies show that dead entrepreneurs can’t sell. Imagine waking up every day feeling 10 years younger with amazing energy and focus that lasts all day so you can crush it in your business and life.

The problem when it comes to high performance, peak performance, is that your health can be your biggest asset or liability because there are blind spots in your health that are holding you back, stealing your energy, your focus. Which equals money. In fact, over 70 percent of entrepreneurs struggle with hidden health issues.

And entrepreneurs have a 50 percent higher mortality rate than non entrepreneurs. What if I told you there was a cheat code that the highest performing celebrities and entrepreneurs and billionaires use to achieve that level of peak performance that you’re looking for? Well, there is. There is. My name is Dr.

Tracy Gappin. I am a recovering board certified urologist. I’m the founder of the Gappin Institute, where we take a data driven, personalized approach when it comes to optimizing your health and performance. We look at 585 biomarkers, 768, 000 genetic markers, advanced full body imaging, and real time data from wearable technology, to take a deep dive and find those blind spots in your health that are holding you back.

Ultimately, it comes down to saving you time and money by testing, not guessing. So go to gavininstitute. com forward slash launch to get your free longevity toolkit and masterclass and an opportunity to get on a free call with my team to discover how you can quickly and easily be your absolute best again.

Thank you.

[00:04:57] Dave Asprey: I’ll go first. Um, I liked it open. Uh, the, the studies show, right, okay, you’re informing me you’ve delivered value up front, which got my attention. Um, your delivery was really good, like got a lot of energy in it, and it, you know, stadium pitch is a pitch, right, so that definitely didn’t, uh, land flat. You used statistics appropriately, but not too much.

You were at the upper edge of too much, but you didn’t hit it. Right, which made you sound informed. And I’m thinking, I’m not going to remember all these things, but it was enough for me to go, It’s real, and it’s a lot. Right, which is what people are going to filter for. Um, One thing that came to mind that you said at the beginning, but I would love to hear you say, Entrepreneurship is deadly.

[00:05:43] Amanda Holmes: Ooh, I

[00:05:44] Dave Asprey: like that. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Um, and Thank you. At the end you said, free, free, free. Oh, so it has no value. So this is something I learned from J. Abraham. You don’t say free, you say gift. I’d like to gift you. Right? To get a gift. Right? And I’d like to gift you, you’re talking about I, but that’s an appropriate use of it.

You can just say, you can receive a gift. Right? And it’s not a free gift, it’s a gift. Because it has value, it has immense value. And you’re willing to gift it to them. You feel the significance of that. And, you talk about health a lot. Health is boring. I’d like to see 30 percent more mentions of performance, and the benefits of health, versus going back to health.

Because Kellogg’s Raisin Bran is healthy. Except it’s not. Thank you.

[00:06:40] Amanda Holmes: I loved your intro, I love that you put that into the beginning for the hook. Um, I think that you still need to like, hit them where it hurts. Uh, the pain points that you used, uh, I don’t believe the mortality, the 50 percent of, uh, I heard 50 percent of business owners have a likelihood of more, a higher mortality rate and I went, I don’t know if I believe that.

So something that I always hear Troy talk about is like, um, how much do entrepreneurs, so I know that they live on average four years less. That’s, that’s painful. I also know that they have a like, a higher likelihood of drug use because they’re in so much pain and they don’t have time to figure it out.

It also affects their, uh, divorce rate. Like, I really want you to hit them in between the knees where they’re like, Holy shit, that I think that is painful. You’ve hit my pain. I think that it’s so polished. There’s part of me that wonders if you’re being authentic and real about helping me. So, I also wonder if there was an opportunity to talk about either one of your clients, how they’ve had a shift, and what their experience was.

We had Dave, he ran a hundred million dollar company, but behind the scenes, he was not sleeping at all, he was, uh, awake at night and was about to ruin his marriage, right? That feels really real to me, like you’re helping an individual that could be mean, right? And then we were able to, in six weeks, do blank.

[00:08:06] Tracy: So, feedback question. So, we have a lot of those testimonials. I know, I’m sure you do that in a pitch, though, because we only have a minute. Can you do that? Do you try and get to that level of depth?

[00:08:17] Amanda Holmes: I just feel like you have it so together, and I am so guarded about the fact that I have a problem and I don’t want people to know it, that I want to feel that I can be vulnerable to you and share this thing that is vulnerable.

So if you are willing to peel back a little bit of that finesse that you have so polished to show, Allow me to say, hey, I’m having a hard time, because, I mean, high powered entrepreneurs, they don’t say that they have a hard time. You really gotta crack that shit. Or talk to their wives. The wives will get them in first.

[00:08:48] Dave Asprey: If you said, one of my clients, Steve, and you had just two sentences, you know, on the surface, he’s pulling in 100 million a year, but client, not patient. It’s a really big thing there. So one of my clients, Steve, and one sentence, how successful, one sentence, how wrecked. And then one sentence with results.

Perfect. Thank you.

[00:09:10] Joe Polish: Good stuff. Um, so yeah, you delivered it really well. Yeah, so your delivery was awesome. Uh, I think the Dead Entrepreneurs Can’t Sell was a good opening. Uh, just like, um, What Amanda said, as soon as you said 50 percent higher mortality rate, my brain was like, I don’t think that’s true. So if you would have said 50 percent higher mortality rate of entrepreneurs that do, or whatever, because what, what categorizes those 50%?

There’s obviously something that half of the, if that’s true, half the entrepreneurs, there’s something that you can discover and that you can solve. And that’s, so I wouldn’t speak specifically to that, but it immediately made me think it would invalidate the other, see, I kind of know you a little bit, right?

I mean, we’ve met each other before, we’ve had a few conversations, so there was already a certain level of, like, no, like, trust with you. When you said that, though, if I had not ever had an interaction with you, my brain would have been like, no, I don’t think, so you have to, uh, credentialize it if you’re going to say it.

Um. I would agree with what Dave said, you said free too much, uh, there’s a difference between when to give something away for free versus charge a fee, uh, I would say a discovery call, I would say a gift, I would just say something other than that, and, and, to tie it into what they already said about testimonials, what that’s going to do for them, uh, cause you know, there, there is shame, there’s many, you know, my, my girlfriend is a vaginal plastic surgeon, I sit in on conversations about, With a lot of women about, they never talk about stuff until they have someone they feel that they can really talk to and then it opens up a lot.

And you’re sort of asking people to do that. So I think what Dave said about the testimonials, their statement just, and the benefit of, you’re super successful but there’s this thing here that’s screwing up your life. And we can discover what that is and we can provide it. And you talked a lot about features, you know, all the different diagnostics and stuff.

You could’ve. Utilizing that time, uh, you could have said all those things. So, yeah, but beyond that, I think, yeah,

[00:11:09] Amanda Holmes: really good.

If you liked this episode and you’d like to have the stadium pitch contest come to your community or your company, go ahead and visit chet holmes. com forward slash speaking. And maybe I could come to you again.

That’s chet holmes. com forward slash speaking.

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